Criminal Charges Dismissed and Expungement Granted
Cliff Bidlingmaier was successful in having simple assault charges pending against his client dismissed. His client was charged with...

Cliff Bidlingmaier Files Suit for Botched Funeral Home Services
https Cliff Bidlingmaier has filed a lawsuit on behalf of a New Jersey man who fell victim to botched funeral services for his wife. ...

Driving While Suspended Charge Reduced
Cliff Bidlingmaier successful in having the charge of Driving While Suspended (multiple violations) reduced to failure to exhibit a...

Charges Dismissed
Cliff Bidlingmaier was successful in having charges pending against his client dismissed. Cliff represented a client that was charged ...

Bidlingmaier & Bidlingmaier Recognized as a Finalist of Best of Bucks 2021
Check it out. Bidlingmaier and Bidlingmaier have been recognized as a Finalist of the 2021 Best of Bucks! Thank you for the support!!!...